Related Showcase

  • Implement 3D models into your BIM project

    BIM and CAD Library

    From BIM models to XML files, our construction solutions, are ready to drop into building plans and design software in just a few clicks.

    BIM and CAD Library

    Seamless Integration

    Make building information modelling a breeze. Access over 100,000 CAD files online, or straight to your CAD software via a plugin.

    BIM and CAD Library

    Need to keep it simple?

    For large scale projects, you can lighten the file load with simplified versions of each model in the library.

BIM & CAD Library

BIM and CAD Library

Make building information modelling a breeze

From BIM models to XML, we have over 120,000 CAD friendly files for our construction solutions available for download right here!

This all-new facility puts BIM and CAD files for our entire product range just a few clicks away from implementation into all of the major construction design tools including Autocad, Cadwork, Revit, Sema and Tekla. 

File formats currently available:

  • BIM: 2D and 3D Revit, IFC
  • Other uses: PDF, XML

We are also constantly working on plugins that seamlessly integrate our entire BIM and CAD library with your design software of choice.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

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