Celebrating the Women of Simpson

The ladies for Simpson Tamworth Production Team

Here at Simpson Strong-Tie, we're very proud of all our female colleagues, especially our 'high-run' production team - because at 78% we have a much higher percentage of ladies than is usual for the manufacturing sector. 

So, as part of International Women's Day, it's only right that some of them share  a little about themselves.

Because, as Managing Director, Cyndi Chandler explains: "Actively recruiting, supporting, and promoting women in technical, leadership, and operational roles within the fixings sector and then take it a step further by highlighting and celebrating  the achievements of women in construction fixings, is absolutely the way forward".

Meet: Mary Reilly     

Which women inspire you the most?
My Mum, she was very caring and compassionate but also strong and independent. I want to say Nicki (my team leader), she strikes a great balance as a manager and a supportive colleague. Then there's Taylor Swift. She's so down to earth despite her fame and fortune, cares about her fans and does a lot of charity work behind the scenes.

What do you like most about your role with SST? 
The people I work with are so accommodating, including all my colleagues and managers. I also enjoy the variety, each day is different.

This year the International Women’s Day theme is #AccelerateAction. What does this mean to you? 
For women to stand together, be kind to each other and also be there for each other as and when you can.


Meet: Nicki Juxon

Which women inspire you the most?
My Mum – she was a strong woman, which was something she raised me to be. She was very bubbly, sometimes a bit outspoken, but always a caring soul. She was inspirational.

What do you like most about your role with SST?
The opportunity to progress. Originally, I came to Simpsons as a temp, but they asked me to stay and since then promoted me to be a team leader. You get exceptional support here, in my experience there are not many companies that go this far in that way. I enjoy my day and all the people I work with. We make a great team!

This year the International Women’s Day theme is #AccelerateAction. What does this mean to you? 
As strong women we are equal to men in job roles. We also need to keep pushing to stop violence and abuse to women.

Meet: Jean Pool

Which women inspire you the most?
Nicki, my Team Leader inspires me. The support she gives to everyone is amazing. She always puts herself out to help anyone who needs it. 

My Mum continues to inspire me too, her kindness and caring nature still drive my attitide to the poeple around me every day, even though she passed many years ago.

What do you like most about your role with SST?
With 30 years on the Simpson clock, I've been a regular 'go-to' for training new people. You can imagine how many I've shown the ropes to since I started back in the 90's - we're 4 times bigger now! I love it though, training people is my favourite part of the job.

This year the International Women’s Day theme is #AccelerateAction. What does this mean to you? 
To me this is just a reminder to remember the cause and ensure equality for women is at the forefront of our minds. We have come a long way but there is still a long way to go.

Meet: Anne Field

Which women inspire you the most?
Linda McCartney for her role promoting animal welfare. She was so dedicated and committed to her cause.

What do you like most about your role with SST?
I like the fast-paced environment and the physical work. I enjoy the hard labour. I love the way Simpson gives you opportunities to better yourself. I also have a very supportive manager who supports me both professionally and personally.

This year the International Women’s Day theme is #AccelerateAction. What does this mean to you? 
To maintain opportunities for women and not let this slip at all.


Simpson Strong-Tie U.K.

Simpson Strong-Tie

Cardinal Point, Winchester Road
B78 3HG
United Kingdom